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The Khan of Kalat

Originated from the south Caspian Sea/daryā-e-khizr’s bay, right next to the belt of mountains known as Alborz in Iran.
Balochi people were relocated to Makran in the 16th century. They were subject to Mughals and after the fall of Mughal Empire, about 150 tribes united to form Balochistan. The regional languages are Brahui and Balochi, both are identified as western Iranian languages. There are huge population of Balochi Brahui speakers living in southern Afghanistan and also in Iran. Several journalists indicate the origin of the word Baloch from Sanskrit, in which “Bal” means strength and “och” means extraordinary.
“Khan of Kalat” is a title of Baloch rulers of Khanate of Kalat. These aristocrats of Balochistan were profoundly filled with the enthusiasm of cannabis. From reaping one of the best cannabis variations in Balochistan to selecting some of the specified cannabis seeds from the whole region, from Iranian side to the west and north-west to Afghanistan.
Khans of Kalat did the sections of their own preference in aspects of vigor, aroma and other features as coloration, they brought the seeds and grew them at their district.
The collections they made led to the creation of remarkable Plants which were then carried away by the Tribal agriculturalists of Balochistan, they considered those seeds as superior ones. Cultivation of cannabis in Balochistan dates back to almost 400 years or even more.
As modern day Balochistan lacks general health care facilities. Balochi people trusted herbs from all over the region for their primary health care and still follow such traditions of folk Medicines.